General Assembly of the association SOVAMM will take place in Bližanovy. The three-day program will also include presentations, that reflect latest research of members, meeting of SOVPIS contributors and site visits.


Calendar 2023

Every year since 1991 SOVAMM produces a calendar. Our 2023  calendar features Stable (Franciscan) Cadastre maps used as illustration in the book on settlement history and the development of village patterns by Jiří Škabrada Nástin vývoje vesnických půdorysů a plužin v Čechách: K výpovědní schopnosti map stabilního katastru, published by SOVAMM in December 2022. Continue reading Calendar 2023


General Assembly of the association SOVAMM will take place in Ruda nad Moravou. The three-day program will also include presentations, that reflect latest research of members, meeting of SOVPIS contributors and site visits. Continue reading SOVAMM GA 2022

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