Artistic and documentation works, research results and projects of both architects are stored in the archives of various institutions, where they are registered and preserved with greater or lesser thoroughness. Some of them are mentioned below: the Moravian Museum, Brno (JV photographs, OM documentation of vernacular architecture – untraced), the Moravian Gallery Brno (OM photographs from the Mizející Brno [Disappearing Brno] file and negatives), the National Heritage Institute – Directorate-General (JV negatives – complete personal archive – and a part of the surveys from the archive of the SÚRPMO), Brno Regional Office and other regional offices of the National Heritage Institute (JV photo documentation and surveys for the registration of monuments, registration sheets of ÚSKP, SHP and surveys; OM exploded view drawings of village greens and streets, photo-documentation, ÚSKP registration sheets, documents for the preparation of reservation files, surveys of monuments), the National Institute of Folk Culture in Strážnice (JV photo-documentation; OM exploded view drawings of village greens and streets, photo-documentation; JV/OM treatises for the Museum of Southeastern Moravia). A larger set of photographs and drawings from the estate of Jaroslav Vajdiš is kept by Jiří Škabrada; that from the estate of Otakar Máčel is in the possession of the family.