The exhibition Stavitel Josef Šuta (1863-1941), projekty a realizace – minulost a současnost / Josef Šuta, mastrer builder (1863-1941), projects and realizations – past and present took place in the Castle Gallery in Uherský Ostroh from September 16 to November 19, 2017. Through plans from 1895 to 1933 from the State District Archive in Uherský Hradiště and the fates of the realized buildings, the city commemorated the work of the builder, who significantly entered the building history not only of Uherský Ostroh, but also of Ostrožský Předměstí and Kvačice. With the author of the exhibition, PhDr. Helena Beránková, an ethnologist and curator of the collection of photographs and graphics of the Ethnographic Institute of the Moravian Museum, who – like other SOVAMM members Zuzana and JIří Syroví – has been dealing with the personality and work of the builder Josef Šuta and Uherský Ostroh for a long time, we decided to make the exhibition available at least virtually after its end:
- Syrová, Z. & Syrový, J. 2015. Moravian master builders and their contribution to sustainability. In Mileto, C., Vegas, F., García Soriano, L., & Cristini, V. (eds) Vernacular Architecture: Towards a Sustainable Future. 685–690. Leiden: CRC Press/Balkema. PDF
- Eliáš, J.O., Syrová Z. & Syrový J. 1994: Uherský Ostroh, stavebně historický průzkum památkové zóny. Brno